A modern screenshot utility. Simple yet configurable.

Download BetterSnipper
Windows 7 or later (32bit or 64bit)

Watch a Video Demo, click the Image above.

Multiple Monitor Support


Snip Types


Docking Feature


Dock to the Left or Right Side of Any Monitor

Custom Color Styling

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Additional Features…

Send to Phone using PushBullet

Upload right to Facebook fbsmall

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Organize Snips in Folders

Smart Window Capture


SmartSnip Feature Fixes Ugly Borders

Normal With SmartSnip
WithoutSmartSnip WithSmartSnip

Watch this Video to see more features.

Try BetterSnipper before you buy it

  • Handcrafted software built by Chris Zeh
  • I built this tool to work for me, and polished it to work for you
  • Developed for Windows 7 or later
  • Straightforward, no ads, no timed trials
  • 10% is going to support my favorite charity: Sky High Hope Camp

Help BetterSnipper Grow, I Need Your Input

What features should I add to make this the perfect tool for you?

Let me know

Who is the Development team?

Chris Zeh
Chris ZehBetterSnipper Developer
I recently moved to California with my wife, dog and cat. I’m an electrical engineer, working in the medical technology industry. I grew up writing code and I’m passionate about making things that help people. I’ve been working on BetterSnipper during my nights and weekends for the last year
Connor Zeh
Connor ZehGlobal Vice President of Human Resources
Top notch 12 year old golden retriever who has spent the last year of development faithfully at Chris’ side: chasing tennis balls, chewing on bones and interrupting development for mandatory petting time.

Let’s talk Customization, click to play.


After you’re satisfied with BetterSnipper, follow the four step process (in the app) to purchase securely on PayPal’s website.
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